Since October 2011, NZI has been the exclusive distributor of DTR polymeric insulators in New Zealand. DTR is a very well established and respected brand amongst New Zealand Networks.
DTR polymer insulators present a compelling value proposition - impeccable quality, competitive price positioning.

Based near Busan in South Korea, DTR are acknowledged global leaders in the manufacture of polymeric deadend strains, line posts, surge arresters, station posts, suspension, standoffs and EDOs.

Their website is www.dtrcorp.kr/en/home-aspire/

New Zealand Insulators has a full range of DTR product in stock, at both Kumeu & Temuka.

To download the DTR pages in NZI's 2025 Catalogue click here

Sales samples are available for technical assessment.

Please email David Glackin - david.glackin@nzinsulators.co.nz  or Chris van der Werff - chris@nzinsulators.co.nz to discuss, get samples, and/or request a quote on DTR product.