Bussmann by Eaton are a very large and successful global business, headquartered in St Louis, USA.
They manufacture many circuit protection products, but started as Bussmann Fuselinks - which remains central to their offering.
A good window into the Bussmann by Eaton world is https://www.eaton.com/us/en-us/company/about-us.html
NZI's relationship with Bussmann fuses goes back many years, and today the NZI & Bussmann brands are intrinsically linked.
NZI acts as a distributor for Bussman by Eaton in New Zealand, and stocks a vast array of Bussman HRC fuselinks - BS88 Industrial, Motor Circuit, DIN Blade, Solid Links, 10x38 Cylindrical, KR85 House Service, High Speed T-Type, J-Type, Bottle and a wide range 12kV MV fuses.
Since late 2012, NZI has also been marketing the premium range of Bussmann Fuseholders - Red Spot, Camaster, Safeloc & Safeclip.
The various Bussmann products are listed on the left, but you can also use NZI's 2024 Catalogue to review the breadth of our offer.
To download the Bussmann by Eaton pages in NZI's 2023 Catalogue pages click here.
To download a 5-page Fusholder brochure (incl Red Spot & Camaster) click here.
To download a Bussmann Fuselink Compatibilty Table click here.
To download a Motor Circuit Protection Chart click here.
Please email David Glackin - david.glackin@nzinsulators.co.nz or Chris van der Werff - chris@nzinsulators.co.nz to discuss, get samples, and/or request a quote on Bussmann fuses.